History of Celebrate Veterans Group
Here is a brief history of the Celebrate Veterans Group
In the early spring of 2014, two residents of our community, Joe Daley and Mel Chernow, informally solicited input from the residents to establish a working list of personnel who had served in the Armed Forces of this country. This effort would become the first effort to establish a veterans group for this community.
On the 4th of July, several community veterans from the five Services joined the parade. Veterans from Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom were represented. Flags were borrowed from the veterans' group at England Run to support the parade.
The effort by Joe and Mel caused the Celebrate Lifestyle Director to solicit interest for the development of a Veterans Group for the community. This effort generated a list of approximately 75 members from a community of roughly 300 homes and included members of the US Army US Marine Corps, US Navy, US Air Force and the US Coast Guard. The first meeting was a "meet and greet" session of Saturday, October 25, 2014, with donuts and coffee provided by Joe and Mel. Discussions focused on the sharing of ideas and needs of the veterans to define a functional purpose for the group, refine the needs of the veterans for common interests of medical support, financial needs, VA assistance, death benefits, and to develop a strategy to support veterans interest in the community and the surrounding area. An organizational committee was established with Don Cook selected as the initial management point of contact and additional council members to be designated in advance of the second meeting.
The first effort of the group was to solicit approval from the Celebrate Homeowners Board (HOA) Board of Directors for the permission to fly the POW/MIA flag at the community. A study group prepared a resolution for presentation to the Facilities Committee which forwarded the concept to the HOA for approval. Following several discussions, the HOA concurred with the request and permission was granted to permanently fly the POW/MIA flag under the American flag at the "memorial garden" at the lodge.
On November 9th, the POW/MIA flag was raised on the primary flagpole at the lodge by Joe Daley, Rocco Youmans and Don Cook. After the ceremony, the veterans and their guests were invited into the lodge where refreshments were provided by the Social Committee.
The management of the group was expanded with the establishment of a vice president, Ron Tebbitt; secretary, J.B. Buchanan; treasurer, Dennis Teats; communication director, Rocco Youmans; outreach, Ed Farris; chaplain, Hank Farr; and historian, Tim O'Toole. Don Cook was designated as the President. This group was established as the Executive Committee (EC) with the provision of adding additional members/functions as the organization expands.